Kadaj | | | Tough Guy | | | Treasure | |
Pichu ♂ Naive Very finicky. Ribbons: 15/37 (evs)
Named in honor of Sephiria and her army of Pichu 1st Responders. Carries a Dusk Stone. Quite impish and tsundere :) Going to train to lv. 100! |
Crobat ♂ Bashful Strong willed. Ribbons: 15/37 (evs)
My Flyer, who took up this mantle after Swift got his Battle Tower moveset. He was caught at first to use Mean Look on the wandering legends, hence his name. Despite this, he is actually quite the shy guy, and is only able to pull off being intimidating because of his apperance & because he takes his job seriously. |
Skitty ♂ Mild Proud of its power. Ribbons: 12/37 (evs) ♥
A true treasure, hatched all the way back in 2009, with parents originating from gen 3. He is a cherished gift. |