10.21.24 Oh my gosh, time flies. I thought for sure I'd updated this more recently, LOL. Anyway, I do have grand plans for this site, I want to revamp the layout to look really awesomesauce like Sephi's (her layout was a collab, we worked on the design and graphics together and she coded it! I drew the little creacher in the corner), but it's looking like I'm not going to have the time/energy for a project like that for... like... idk maybe a year!!! yep I'm in my last semester of my undergrad and it's that busy. I haven't had much time for digital art either, but I do have a lot of traditional sketches of the yaoi variety that can be tidied up and colored~ I also am planning a major overhaul of the icons/stamps sections, working on getting a high quality scanner for doujinshi etc, I wanna put up a lot more art and some fics, host a public backup of my most important toyhou.se galleries, there's just a lot of stuff I want to do here... I'll probably throw some more graphics into the pile here and there, it's just hard to be motivated to do that when I know I'm going to be reorganizing them all. Anyway, I definitely am not going to forget about this site because I still want to put waaayy more on it, but I guess consider it on hiatus until the new layout (though I will probably be adding some dolls and icons here and there). Please wish us luck on our journey to become librarians!!!!!
11.11.23 I haven't been using this properly LOL. Added some fanfic and a bunch of fanart, an about me page, and some affiliates. probably some other stuff
8.10.23 Reorganized the sidebar and webrings, added some Kingdom Hearts pagedolls
7.23 Added a section for fanart and fanfiction! I've also been gradually adding icons and stamps without updating this. I probably won't update the changelog for that kind of thing
5.23 I finished Final Fantasy VIII today, so I got around to uploading a bunch of VIII icons! Also Strifehart in the KH section.
3.23 I'm lazy with the changelog. I added a bunch of stuff
2.23 Turned the sidebar into an iframe; spent a ridiculously long time getting the header to also be an iframe before realizing that it wasn't going to work and resigning myself to just updating it manually :'D
2.23 Added the Icons page and a bunch of stamps!
2.23 Added Axel; worked on the homepage and sidebar a bit!
2.23 Added a guide to buying doujinshi!
2.14.23 Added the Doujinshi section & our first scan!!
2.8.23 fixed up the layouts of the Pokémon pages and filled out more information on them! Also made Sharkie & Melon a place to be cozy ♡
2.?.23 added a Toybox page and put a bunch of stuff on it!
2.5.23 did up the Index page and made a theme for the single-column pages!
2.4.23 added the Graphics section and the Stamps page! also made a banner for the homepage (the buttons will eventually have cool boxes... eventually)!
1.27.23 added the Pokémon Journeys page for HeartGold & the PC Box page to Diamond!
1.24.23 added the Notebook section and the Pokémon Journeys page for Diamond!
1.?.23 it's online! time to slowly ponk away at the layout...